
Pope Denies Endorsing of U.S. Policies : Vatican Says ‘Verbal Message’ Made No Mention of Nicaragua

United Press International

The Vatican today disavowed President Reagan’s claim that Pope John Paul II sent him “a verbal message” endorsing U.S. activities in Nicaragua and the rest of Central America.

Chief Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro Valls made it clear that the Roman Catholic Church remains ready to mediate the conflict between Nicaragua’s leftist government and U.S.-backed rebels.

But Navarro Valls said the Pope did not send Reagan any message that could be interpreted as an endorsement of U.S policy in the region. Papal backing on such a political question would be highly unusual.


‘Verbal Message From Pope’

The controversy arose from statements Reagan made Tuesday to a group of religious leaders at the White House.

“I just had a verbal message delivered to me from the Pope urging us to continue our efforts in Central America,” Reagan told the group.

On Wednesday, Reagan went on to say the Pope “has been most supportive of all our activities in Central America.”

Navarro Valls noted the Pope addressed six U.S. senators, led by Senate Majority Leader Robert J. Dole (R-Kan.) on Saturday. Dole gave the pontiff a personal letter from Reagan, dated April 5, which the senator said outlined “U.S. policy on arms control and Central America.”

U.S. ‘Special Mission’

In his remarks, the Pope did not discuss U.S. policy and described himself as “a friend of the American people” who he said “have a special mission of service in the world.”

“There are no further messages from the holy father,” Navarro Valls said. “There was no specific reference to Nicaragua in the holy father’s address to the senators. Thus, one cannot interpret this as an answer to Reagan’s letter.”


In Washington, White House spokesman Larry Speakes said Reagan and the Vatican were saying “the same thing” and that “the President was speaking in very general terms.”

Referring to the Vatican announcement, Speakes said “you will see in their statement support for the President’s plan for peace in the region and that’s what I said and that’s what the President said” Tuesday and Wednesday.
