
World War I

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Maybe my eyesight is failing, but I did not see any reference to April 6, 1917, in your paper.

I was back in New York City on that day visiting my aunt and we didn’t have radio and television then. The newspapers put out extras in those days. At Herald Square I saw the headlines on the N.Y. Herald--WAR. President Wilson declares that a state of war exists with Imperial Germany.

He called for volunteers. I wanted to enlist right away in New York City, but my aunt persuaded me to wait until I returned home to Detroit. When I got home I got on the streetcar and went downtown to the Army enlistment office and signed up. That was May 10, 1917. I was in the 11th grade, and my schooling was finished. I was in until 1919 when I was discharged.


We had been taught patriotism in school. We didn’t have all this lawlessness then that we have today. Whose fault is it?


