
‘Worsening Plight of the Hungry’

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Thank you so much for printing Rep. Peter Kostmayer’s (D-Pa.) article (Editorial Pages, April 5), “Worsening the Plight of the Hungry, U.S. Acts to Cut Aid for Family Planning in Third World.”

As the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) notes, “a ‘survival revolution,’ which halved the infant and child mortality rate of the developing world and prevented the deaths of 6 or 7 million infants each year by the end of the century, would also be likely to prevent between 12 and 20 million births each year.”

Unless the United States and other developed nations are willing to provide assistance to Third World nations in instituting family planning methods, the cycle of hunger and overpopulation will take much longer to be broken. In the meantime, 40,000 children in the world die each day from malnutrition and infection.



La Canada
