
San Juan Capistrano : Mobile Home Rent Law Changes Tentatively OKd

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The City Council has taken tentative action to require mobile home owners wanting rent-hike hearings to file petitions with the city within 30 days of the increases.

The changes in mobile home rent control also would require landlords to tie increases to actual costs rather than use simple accounting formulas based on the value of the property, and they would give residents veto power over certain capital improvements, such as spas, swimming pools and tennis courts.

The council also tentatively approved changes in the city’s Municipal Code. The revisions would permit the Sheriff’s Department to remove automobiles parked on city streets longer than 72 hours and would make it illegal to park trucks weighing more than 10,000 pounds on residential streets.


Both ordinances will come before the council for second readings and final votes in two weeks. If approved, they will go into effect July 2.
