
Kuwait Hunting Attack Suspects

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Associated Press

Security forces rounded up suspects across this tiny Persian Gulf emirate Sunday, one day after a suicide car-bomb driver failed in his attempt to kill the ruler of Kuwait.

Sheik Jabber al Ahmed al Sabah resumed his regular duties Sunday and met with leaders of other oil-producing gulf countries, who rallied around the Arab monarch.

The 58-year-old emir suffered minor injuries; the terrorist and three other people perished in the explosion.


In Beirut, the terrorist Islamic Jihad organization claimed responsibility two hours after the attack. The fundamentalist Muslim group with links to Iran threatened new assassination attempts if 17 convicted terrorists now behind bars in Kuwait are not freed.

Iranian President Ali Khamenei sent a message to Jabber wishing the emir a speedy recovery and denying Iranian involvement.

Kuwaiti police looking for possible accomplices in the assassination attempt set up roadblocks at highway and midcity intersections, searching civilian cars and checking drivers’ identities.
