
Judge Bars Compton Campaign Literature


A temporary restraining order prohibiting Compton City Councilman Floyd James from distributing campaign literature containing a letter purportedly signed by the Rev. Jesse Jackson has been issued by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge.

The letters, which promise free copies of a Jackson album called “Our Time Has Come” to Compton residents who pledge their votes to James, could be in violation of sections of the California Election Code prohibiting the offer of money or other “valuable considerations” in exchange for votes, according to the order issued Friday by Judge Norman L. Epstein.

The court action came in response to a complaint by Patricia Moore, James’ opponent in Compton’s District 2 City Council runoff Tuesday.


Contacted at his campaign headquarters, James admitted that the literature was illegal but said it had been distributed without his knowledge by a political consultant in Inglewood.

“I had nothing to do with it,” James said.
