
Your Home, Your Choice by the American...


Your Home, Your Choice by the American Assn. of Retired Persons in cooperation with the Federal Trade Commission is a 32-page paperbound booklet addressing the questions older people face in regard to changing their living style, from remaining in the family home with a minimum amount of outside help to moving to a full nursing home.

The chapter “Staying in Your Home,” for instance, discusses such services as home health care, homemaking services and nutrition programs. Other chapters describe changing one’s housing arrangements, including accessory apartments, Echo housing (sometimes called “granny flats”) and house-sharing--which it mentions used to be called “taking in boarders.” The Supportive Housing chapter describes board-and-care homes, congregate housing, continuing care communities and nursing homes.

Finally, the section on Resources lists a great number, probably all, of the major national organizations helping older persons in various ways and all the states’ and territories’ offices on aging, with addresses and telephone numbers.


The pamphlet is simply written but not written-down and seems both comprehensive for its size and accurate. It will be an excellent starting place for older people faced with hard choices and in need of information; additionally, its check-lists will be great help throughout the process of adapting to different circumstances.

The booklet is available at no cost by writing: Your Home, Your Choice, Pueblo, Colo., 81009. Slide and tape kits are available for loan free or for purchase at $23.50 each; information about them is available from AARP, Program Scheduling Office, 1909 K St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20049.

Business Planning for Builders (National Assn. of Home Builders, 15th and M streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005, $11.50 NAHB members, $14.50 non-members, plus $2, 77 pages) gives builders the planning tools they need to run a more efficient and profitable business, including such topics as estimating, cost control and risk management. The book also deals with microcomputers for business applications. Five charts and 32 sample forms, documents and checklists are included.

The House Style Book: New Directions in Design and Decorating for Every Room in the House edited by Deyan Sudjic (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, $39.95) is billed as “the ultimate interior design source book.” It contains 800 illustrations and diagrams, many in full color. This is the third edition of a work, “The House Book,” that was published 10 years ago.

How to Manage Apartments for Maximum Cash Flow and Resale Value by John T. Reed (Reed Publishing, 342 Bryan Drive, Danville, Calif. 94526, $19.95 plus $1.50 postage. California residents add sales tax.) The author, who has been an apartment owner and manager for 16 years and is the senior editor of the Real Estate Investing Letter, discusses how to reduce expenses and increase income, how to hire and supervise resident managers, how to manage on an absentee basis and keep books by using a personal computer.

Concrete SourceBook ’85 (Concrete Construction Publications Inc., 426 S. Westgate, Addison, Ill. 60101, $21.50, 700 pages) includes detailed catalogues from 104 companies at the 1985 World of Concrete exposition. The 1986 edition, expected to be available next February, after the 1986 exposition in Atlanta, will include product literature from all exhibitors.
