
A report showed government impact on income.

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A Census Bureau survey of the nation’s more than 84 million households found that monthly income averaged $2,261 in the second quarter of last year. It showed that, of every $1 received by an American family, 77.5 cents came from earnings, while 10.7 cents came from government programs. Social Security was by far the most important government source of income, providing 7 cents of the 10.7 cents attributed to government sources. Other government programs listed included federal pensions, state and local pensions, military pensions, Aid to Families with Dependent Children and other cash assistance, Veterans Administration and Supplemental Security Income.

Breaking Down the Family Income Average for U. S. Households

Wages, other earned income 77.5% Government programs 10.7 Property income and dividends 7.7 Company, Union pensions 1.5 Child care and Alimony 0.8 Miscellaneous 1.8
