
Hex Sign’ at Evergreen Homes Assn.


Re your editorial of May 30, “Putting the Hex on CCRs:”

Your editorial writer thinks the board of directors of the Evergreen Homeowners Assn. is “stuffy” and “stifles individuality.” OK, let’s say the big bad board lets Frank Hall put up his “hex sign” on the outside of his home, in keeping with his Pennsylvania Dutch heritage. In the higher-density, shared-facility world of homeowner-association living, you should know what that action will set: precedent.

Precedent opens the flood gates, and often leads to extremes. Now Homeowner A can put up his swastika (Oriental, American Indian or Nazi); B her favorite religious symbol; then up go C’s, D’s, and E’s various flags, and so it goes. Personal interpretation of rules and regs, as advocated by your editorial writer, is a no-win situation pitting neighbor against neighbor and leading, in the extreme, to costly litigation.

Three of the crucial functions of any board are to uphold the rules and regulations of the association, protect property values and maintain the property in as near original condition as possible. “Stifling exterior individuality” is, unfortunately, part of the job.


I served for three years on a condominium association board. Except for the good ole covenants, conditions and restrictions, the fights would have been impossible to resolve objectively and fairly! Association living is not for everyone. Folks who do not care to peacefully coexist in such a situation shouldn’t.


