
Attorney in Buss Tax Case Is Fired From Arizona Job

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Joe Abodeely, the Arizona deputy county attorney who was the chief investigator in the recent Jerry Buss/Frank Mariani tax case, has been fired.

Abodeely, who received a notice of termination effective today, said the reasons cited in the notice were his “unprofessional conduct” in the Buss/Mariani case, the fact that he allegedly had spoken to the media in violation of office policy in an undercover drug operation, and the alleged use of profanity in the office.

Abodeely was placed on administrative leave June 12.

The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, where Abodeely has been employed for nearly 15 years, had no comment on the situation.


“I don’t know why they are doing this,” Abodeely said. “I don’t deserve this after a decade and a half of public service. They drew first blood. If they think I’m going to walk away with my tail between my legs, they are wrong. I am going to fight.”

If he wishes to attempt to get his job back, Abodeely has 20 days to file a notice of appeal. He said that he would do so.

Last month, Buss/Mariani paid $1 million to Maricopa County to settle alleged underpayment of property taxes.


The actual amount owed by Buss and Mariani, according to the Maricopa County Treasurer’s Office, was $522,435.05.
