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The fate of a proposed nightclub for teen-agers was left undecided this week when the matter was sent back to zoning officials by the Los Angeles City Council Planning and Environmental Committee.

Committee members did not act on the matter, they said, because the Board of Zoning Appeals--which approved the Wilmington dance hall in February and whose decision was appealed by several community leaders--had made an improper decision.

Committee members said the board was to decide whether Associate Zoning Administrator Charles V. Cadwallader had erred in his decision to deny the conditional-use permit necessary for the dance hall. Instead the zoning board unanimously agreed that Cadwallader did not err but granted the permit with 17 conditions because of what they said was a citywide shortage of teen-age entertainment spots.


Because new information had been presented during the February zoning board hearing by would-be operators of the dance hall--four school district security officers--the City Council committee said the zoning board should have referred the case back to Cadwallader, now retired, for reconsideration.

Chief Zoning Administrator Franklin Eberhard said this week that another associate zoning administrator will review the case and present it again to the Board of Zoning Appeals. The City Council committee asked to hear the matter at its meeting Oct. 4.
