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While not saying so directly, Dennis McDougal’s article seems critical of the speed with which USA for Africa is spending the dollars it has raised (“The Famine Tour,” July 7).

Frankly, this is a very fair criticism and one about which I have been continuously concerned.

The pressure to spend it fast is enormous, but I believe it is over-ridden by our responsibility to spend it right. One of the things we learned on our trip is that $50,000,000 is a very limited sum when applied to the vast problems Africa is facing.


We are already planning further visits to expand our knowledge of the continent and its problems and we are busily at work mapping out a program that has the greatest opportunity for success.

No matter how hard the media tries to hang the “show business” tag on our efforts, we remain committed to trying to make a real difference, not an illusory one, in the lives of suffering people throughout the world.


President, USA for Africa
