
Group Seeks Return of Missing Videotape of Special Olympics

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A videotape of the Special Olympics at Santa Monica College last April 27 was to have been used to raise funds this summer for the Ladera Heights home for six deaf young adults who participated in the annual athletic event.

But the tape disappeared two weeks ago from a car parked in the Riviera Village section of Redondo Beach, and the organization that operates the home is offering a $100 reward for its return.

“We’re appealing to whoever may have the tape, or whoever knows where it is, to return it,” said Bobby Ross, president of the Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled Inc. “No questions will be asked.” The foundation is running an ad in a South Bay community newspaper today appealing for its return.


Ross, whose 20-year-old son lives in the home on Wooster Avenue, said the tape was made by the foundation and there is no duplicate. “Having the tape will help us raise funds because it shows what these youngsters can do,” she said, explaining that the foundation planned to show the tape to community groups as part of a campaign to raise $100,000.

Ross said the tape, which was in a red canvas bag, was in the back seat of a car belonging to a man who was editing it. He was moving into an apartment and had left the car unlocked while carrying items into the building. When he returned to the car the bag was missing.

Anyone with information about the tape can contact Dr. Candice Greenfield, executive director of the foundation, at 410-1648.
