
Kasparov Takes Game, Ties Series With Champion

United Press International

Challenger Gary Kasparov won the 11th game in the world chess championship Tuesday, locking the series with titleholder Anatoly Karpov at two games and 5 1/2 points each.

The Tass news agency said that Karpov, playing black, resigned on the 25th move of the game in which the players used the Nimzo-Indian defense.

The 22-year-old challenger gained a tremendous psychological advantage when he won the first game in the series, but the 34-year-old Karpov made a significant comeback to score victories in the fourth and fifth games.


The remaining games ended in draws, which give each player one-half point. The first player to win six games or the one with the most points at the end of the 24-game series will be named world champion.

If neither player holds an advantage, Karpov will retain his title.

Here are the moves of the game:

Kasparov-Karpov 11: 1 d4 nf6 2 c4 e6 3 nc3 bb4 4 nf3 0-0 5 bg5 c5 6 e3 c:d4 7 e:d4 h6 8 bh4 d5 9 rc1 d:c4 10 b:c4 nc6 11 0-0 be7 12 re1 b6 13 a3 bb7 14 bg3 rc8 15 ba2 bd6 16 d5 n:d5 17 n:d5 b:g3 18 h:g3 e:d5 19 b:d5 qf6 20 qa4 rfd8 21 rcd1 rd7 22 qg4 rcd8 23 q:d7 r:d7 24. re8ch kh7 25 be4ch resigns.
