
Apprehension of Terrorists


After reading your editorial (Oct. 15), “Terror Dodges the Law,” I find I am continually amazed at American tunnel vision regarding terrorism.

As a superpower with huge nuclear arsenals that threaten the well-being of the entire world; a well-equipped military that operates only “lawfully” (i.e. Grenada) or a Central Intelligence Agency that also operates only “legally” in such places as Nicaragua; how can we deal with these lawless terrorists who do not play by our rules and threaten and kill innocent people?

Could it perhaps be that people, who have few other resources, and who feel impotent against the superpowers and the incredible chaotic situation in the Mideast and elsewhere, will continue to strike out in the only manner in which they can achieve recognition and success?

Perhaps, instead of trying to stifle the “symptoms” with aggressive postures and threats of harsh actions against the perpetrators, we should take a long hard look at the causes of terrorism and attempt to deal with these. Maybe we would have more success in stopping these violent acts against innocent victims.



La Mesa
