
Can’t Find Buyers for Handicapped Housing


I am a small builder who has been forced through regulations to build handicapped housing. I do not mind building the handicapped housing, however, I have not been able to find any handicapped people who will even take a look at it. I have gone so far as to visit the handicapped protesters at the Bonaventure Hotel recently and offer a $1,000 reward to anyone sending me a buyer for the handicapped unit and have received no calls from anyone to date.

I have also contacted numerous handicapped organizations such as VFW groups, disabled American veteran groups, centers for independent living, etc., etc. I have also run ads in the Register and the San Gabriel Valley Tribune for the last four months, with only one handicapped person showing up, and he already owned a house.

I do think, however, that we designed a beautiful unit.

My point in writing is to ask your assistance in contacting handicapped groups to find out how to reach handicapped people needing housing, and to point out the irony of a small builder complying with regulations and then being stuck with housing he cannot sell.



Diamond Bar

Newsome can be reached through the Newsome Co., P.O. Box 4226, Diamond Bar 91765.
