
U.S. Grand Jury Accuses Nine Men of Racketeering

United Press International

A special federal grand jury Wednesday indicted nine men on charges of racketeering, allegedly as part of the Mafia’s Genovese family.

The indictments charge that the so-called “Scibelli faction” of the Genovese family used threats of violence to expand territory under its control, including central and western Massachusetts and the Albany, N.Y., area.

Those arrested include brothers Francesco J. Scibelli, 72; Albert A. Scibelli, 65; and Anthony C. Scibelli, 71; Adolfo Bruno, 38; Mario A. Fiore, 61; Felix L. Tranghese, 33; John F. Pradella, 39; Donald J. Pepe, 46, and Ricardo S. Songini, 30.


The 18-count indictment alleges that the defendants belong to the Mafia and charges them with racketeering and operating illegal gambling operations, including bookmaking and football pools.

If convicted, the defendants would face jail sentences ranging from 57 to 85 years and fines of between $100,000 and $190,000.
