
Achille Lauro Sentences

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I have read Don A. Schanche’s article (Nov. 19), “Achille Lauro Hijackers Get 4- to 9-Year Terms.”

While I perfectly understand and sympathize with the feeling of indignation and outrage caused by the brutal and cowardly murder of an elderly American citizen, which tragically concluded the hijacking of the Italian liner, I am compelled, however, to express surprise and disappointment for the manner with which the article was formulated and worded.

The reader, not familiar with a foreign legal system, is led to believe by the headline that the criminals have gotten away with very light sentences.


This could not be further from the truth.

The case brought against the hijackers was indeed, as the article rightly indicated, for minor charges, such as the illegal smuggling and possession of arms on a passenger liner, and if these were all the charges the hijackers were convicted for, the outcry of indignation from the American public would certainly be justified. The fact of the matter is that this was a preliminary conviction, to allow their continuous detention while the preparation for the final and much more serious trial for murder, kidnaping and hijacking continues. Needless to say, these charges will carry much heavier sentences, ranging, no doubt, from life to terms measured in several decades.

I sincerely hope that this letter will help to clarify somewhat the workings of the Italian legal system and convey to the reader the assurance that justice will be done.


Consul General of Italy

Los Angeles
