
Developments in Nicaragua

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Somehow, I must be missing the point. The U.S. State Department claims that Cuban support for the government of Nicaragua is wrong, while U.S. aggression against that country is not.

As if our government’s attempts to destroy the Contadora peace initiative were not enough, now, Elliot Abrams, former so-called human-rights advocate turned human-rights apologist in the State Department, has the temerity to try and exploit the Cuban issue to justify more aid to the contras.

Abrams’ crude propaganda, however, cannot hide our government’s sorry record of maintaining some of the world’s most brutal dictatorships, nor can it hide the Reagan Administration’s continued war against the people of Central America.


And when the battle smoke clears, and misery is no longer a way of life, the actions of Cuba will be remembered by the people of Central America with gratitude, while those of the United States will be condemned for years to come.


