
Prison Site


Every single person and area in this town and county seem to want more police, less crime, the incarceration of more crooks, dope dealers and child molesters. However none of these very vocal twits seems to want a prison or county jail in their area.

These same twits have the crime all around them every day as I have in the Hollywood area. I would love to have a new prison built in Hollywood. It would be new (we have so many run-down buildings in Hollywood) and it would be visible to all the doped-up punk rockers and heavy metal punks who walk our streets day and night. The boys on roller skates who sell dope could see their next home. The male and female prostitutes could look upon the new jail as a warm future home.

This new prison could do nothing but prop up the property values in Hollywood. The coming and goings of the officers who would staff this building would make my area safer. I vote Yes for the new prison in my area.



