
New Perils in Scout’s World


It may be a sad sign of the times, but the San Diego County Council of Boy Scouts of America is to be commended for creating an achievement patch that requires youngsters to learn about the effects of smoking and drug and alcohol abuse.

Requirements of the Personal Health Decisions achievement patch include finding out what happens to a smoker’s body and visiting an in-patient alcoholism treatment center and a drug recovery center.

Boys also must write an essay on alcohol’s effects on families and create an anti-drug presentation for viewing by their peers.


This is a locally developed program, not one of the nationally recognized merit badges Scouts can attain. But the San Diego County Council has received requests from around the country for copies of the course outline.

Many of us think of Scouting as an organization that instills self-reliance by teaching boys the skills needed to survive in and enjoy the outdoors. It’s to the Boy Scouts’ credit that they also have the good sense to know that youngsters today are exposed to dangers a good deal more frightening than snake bites.
