
14 Inducted Into NAHB Housing Hall of Fame

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Merrill Butler, an Irvine home builder and 1980 president of the National Assn. of Home Builders, was among 14 men named to the National Housing Hall of Fame during the 42nd annual convention of the National Assn. of Home Builders here.

Butler will be inducted into the 10-year-old institution in May 17 ceremonies in Washington. He and the other 1986 nominees are among 144 persons who have been honored--some posthumously--”for devotion to the cause of housing America.”

The other 13 nominees are builders George Goudreau Sr., Cleveland; Wilson H. Brown, Dallas; Quincy Lee, San Antonio; Stephen Yeonas, Arlington, Va., and Richard Sexton, Birmingham, Ala.


In the government category are Leon Keyserling and T. Bertram King, Washington; John E. Horne (deceased), Alexandria, Va., and Carl A.S. Coan Sr. (deceased), Washington.

In the housing related category: Charles Abrams (deceased), New York City; J. Phil Weyerhaeuser Jr. (deceased), Tacoma, Wash.; William A. Molster, Annapolis, Md., and John Dunlop, Belmont, Mass.

Butler is a past president of the Building Industry Assn. of California, was California Builder of the Year in 1978 and has served on the boards of the Federal National Mortgage Assn., the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. and the Federal Savings & Loan Advisory Council to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
