


“STRANGE BEHAVIOR.” Animotion. PolyGram. OK, so their debut album brought on that queasy feeling, they were a joke on stage, and that “Obsession” video was the camp classic of ’85. Still, the five men and one woman in this L.A. band came up with one quite decent hit, “Obsession.” If the optimist in you was hoping that the group’s second LP would follow the path of that song’s swirling appeal rather than the rest of the debut’s chintzy dance-pop, it just lost out to the pessimist in you by the score of 8-2. That’s the ratio of awful songs to acceptable ones on “Strange Behavior.” The LP’s a barrage of empty-headed KROQ rock that even KROQ might be reluctant to play. It hops back and forth between female and male lead vocals but keeps the same synthetic-synthesizer chirp from cut to cut. The chief exceptions are an Archies-meets-ABBA piece of fun-fluff called “I Engineer”--and a satisfactory glam-lust song, “I Want You.” Can’t wait to see the videos.
