
Westminster : Panel to Evaluate Law on Mobile Home Parks


The Planning Commission is expected to decide today whether to recommend modifying the city’s mobile home park conversion law, which requires park owners to provide compensation to tenants when a park is closed.

During public hearings on the ordinance, park owners have complained that the law is too strict, making conversions economically impossible. The law requires park owners undertaking a conversion to move tenants to a comparable park or purchase their coach at its fair market value.

Mobile home tenants compose 18% of the city’s population. They have said that without the law they would not be adequately protected, and they fear a rush of conversions if the law is changed.


The City Council asked the commission to review the law last year. The council also repealed a rent control ordinance last year, which park owners said kept rents too low. The rent control law was later ruled in court to be unconstitutional.
