
A Woman’s Unsentimental Education

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The other day I broke a rule I had set for myself and my family years ago. I picked up a hitchhiker.

She was young, she was in tears and she needed help. “Sometimes you gotta take a chance,” I told myself as I pulled over. I’m glad I did.

This woman’s husband had just beaten her up and she needed a ride to family and refuge. She was one of the lucky ones because she had a place to go. For women out there who have no refuge, I share this reminder: There are shelters available. You don’t have to be anybody’s punching bag. In Orange County the number to call is (714) 992-1931 for further information.


As I think about my encounter with the young woman, I realize the thing that devastated her most was the fact that it was her wedding anniversary. Ah, what fools we women are to cling to these sentiments in the context of so much pain and humiliation.


