
Soviets Give Svetlana OK to Leave Again

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Associated Press

Josef Stalin’s daughter, Svetlana Alliluyeva, who returned home in 1984 saying she had never been happy during her 17 years in the West, said today that she expects to leave the Soviet Union again later this month.

She told Associated Press by telephone that she and her 14-year-old, American-born daughter, Olga Peters, have permission to leave.

Speaking from a hotel in which the Soviet government lodges official and important guests, Alliluyeva, 59, refused to say when she received permission to leave the country her father ruled for almost 30 years.


Asked where she will depart, she said: “Well, I don’t know yet. I know that I will be going out.”

Won’t Go With Daughter

She said she believed that she would not be flying out with her daughter.

Olga confirmed today that she is planning to leave the Soviet Union and return to her Quaker-run school in England.

Alliluyeva would not say when her daughter will leave, but added: “She has certain obligations to arrive at school. She will be at school when it is necessary.”


Olga said earlier today that the school term starts Wednesday at the school she attended for 18 months before her mother brought her to the Soviet Union in October, 1984. But she said: “I don’t know when I’m going to leave. I may even be late for school.”
