
100 Dead Estimated in Tripoli : Kadafi’s Daughter Killed; Soviets Cancel U.S. Talks : 2 Sons of Libya Chief Wounded

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From Times Wire Services

As dusk fell over this U.S.-bombed capital today, diplomats estimated that about 100 people were killed in the pre-dawn attack, and doctors said the dead included Libyan leader Col. Moammar Kadafi’s baby daughter.

Dr. Mohammad Muafa, director of pediatrics at Tripoli’s Fatah University Hospital, said he was summoned to the Kadafi family compound about an hour after the 2 a.m. raid and found the family, including Kadafi’s wife, “in very bad terror.”

The daughter, 15-month-old Hana, died from a brain hemorrhage about two hours after he arrived, Muafa said.


Two of Kadafi’s sons, aged 3 and 4 1/2, were injured, he said. Kadafi had eight children, including the recently adopted girl.

No Kadafi Statement

Kadafi did not appear in public today and did not immediately make any broadcast statements, and there was no indication of his whereabouts. A government official said Kadafi survived the bombing raid.

American officials said Kadafi’s home and headquarters, in a sprawling complex in Tripoli, had been among the warplanes’ targets. One witness said windows were broken in Kadafi’s house but it was not seriously damaged. Kadafi is believed to spend his nights in a fortified bunker.


Two Western diplomats, insisting on anonymity, estimated that about 100 people had been killed in the U.S. bombardment of Tripoli. Libyan officials said only that “many people were dead.” Casualties in Libya’s second city, Benghazi, which was also hit, were not reported.

Residential Damage

Reporters taken on a tour three hours after the bombing were shown the destruction of a residential area near the French Embassy, which was badly damaged in the raid, along with private residences. Unconfirmed reports claimed that the Swiss, Iranian and Romanian embassies also had been hit.

Foreign journalists were not taken to see the military sites the Reagan Administration said were the raid’s targets. Libyan officials also said they would show reporters the remains of a downed U.S. warplane.


American search planes, meanwhile, crisscrossed the Mediterranean looking for signs of the two-man crew of an Air Force F-111 bomber that did not return from the attack.

Families Notified

The Air Force notified the families of the two crewmen that they had been officially listed as missing. The two were identified as Capt. Fernando L. Ribas-Dominicci, 33, of Puerto Rico, and Capt. Paul F. Lorence, 31, of San Francisco.

Their plane was one of 18 that staged the raid from the Royal Air Force Base in Lakenheath, England. Sixteen planes returned today, and the 17th put down in Spain with mechanical problems.

After night fell in Tripoli, the thud of anti-aircraft guns could be heard, arousing fears that another raid was under way, but Pentagon spokesmen flatly denied that a second U.S. assault was taking place. White House spokesman Larry Speakes also told reporters that the military operations had concluded.

Speakes described the U.S. assault as a successful blow against command centers for Libyan-sponsored terrorism. “We have sent the message to Kadafi,” he said.

Civilians Injured

But in Tripoli, where many private homes were damaged, it was clear that the raid also left civilian casualties.


“Those bloody Americans say they don’t hit civilians,” muttered Taher Gubbia, a U.S.-educated English professor outside the ruins of his house.

Hundreds of young Libyan men, many wearing camouflage uniforms and carrying automatic weapons, surged through a bombed Tripoli neighborhood earlier in the day chanting, “Assassins! Assassins!”

In the residential Bin Ashur neighborhood, reporters today found residents wandering the streets angry and dazed outside their damaged homes. The streets were littered with smashed cars and huge chunks of broken concrete. Power lines were down and water spouted from snapped mains.

In Tripoli’s Central Hospital, victims said they were asleep when the bombs struck, and some said they ran into the streets in panic.
