
‘Arrogance of Power’


Regarding your editorial attacking Ezell for his involvement with an organization whose purpose is to fight illegal immigration, I must agree with you that he Reagan Administration is being two-faced on this question. On one hand, we aid the same governments and military organizations in Latin America who are terrorizing their own citizens and causing them to flee to this country, and then we turn around and deport these refugees back to the same countries because they are “economic” refugees.

However, I do not buy the line that apologists for unlimited immigration to this country are selling either. Crimes such as car theft, residential burglary, muggings, and purse snatchings are affecting vast numbers of our citizens. Drug smuggling is rampant. Our police are doing a woefully inadequate job of protecting us in large measure because the size of our police force is fixed while our population is growing by leaps and bounds.

Most illegals may very well be hard working and law-abiding, but who knows how many commit crimes? There is no way to know because officially they don’t exist. Go to traffic court sometime and listen to the dreary procession of offenders who don’t speak English and have no driver’s license, no registration, no insurance.


I’ve read a disturbing number of articles in The Times where Central American nationals have been caught here by the police with vast amounts of illegal drugs and cash. Ezell may not be acting in a manner that you approve, but I’m glad someone is bringing the negative aspects of illegal immigration into the light.


