


“Buckaroo Banzai” director W. D. Richter is trying to get a “Banzai”-type show on ABC, and he’s pleading with the 5,000-plus Blue Blaze Irregulars to come to the rescue.

Seems ABC wanted a series--even though the 20th Century Fox release failed commercially--but there were rights complications. So Richter and Earl Mac Rauch (who wrote the movie) came up with “Heroes in Trouble,” a pilot that Mac Rauch is writing.

“It’s a nervy series. It won’t look like your typical TV show (if it gets produced),” said Richter. “It will be adventure looking through the eyes of international business. It will have a narrative with a ‘shambled’ reality to it, much like ‘Buckaroo Banzai,’ with comedy and a high style.”


And he put out the call through World Watch One, the fan club newsletter, asking “Banzai” fans to write ABC execs in support. The premise has a bunch of do-gooders doing battle with an evil nemesis (Doktor Wanko) in arenas ranging from corporate board rooms to slimy back alleys.
