
COMMENCEMENT 1986 : University of Redlands


The University of Redlands held its 77th annual commencement ceremony at 9 a.m. Saturday in the Alumni Greek Theatre.

Degrees: 276 diplomas awarded, including 44 graduate degrees.

Speaker: W. Richard West Jr., a partner in the Washington-based law firm of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobsen, spoke about the relationship between the United States and American Indians. “ . . .Injustice still stifles in a profound way human progress. I obviously amnot talking only about injustice in Indian country, although that has been my particular focus. Injustice is not limited by Indian reservation boundaries or, for that matter, by national boundaries, and it has many faces. Besides Indian, they may be southern African, Latin American or poor white. I truly believe that this general point bears repeating in an era of American history, which, in my personal view, is often insensitive at best and morally myopic at worst where economic and social injustice is involved.”
