
Reagan’s Undoing of SALT Treaty


I must say that Friday the 13th is a most suitable day to publish such a dreadful treatise as Goodwin’s column.

The first thing Goodwin does, is raise the specter of a man (Robert F. Kennedy) who, though long dead, epitomized the radical leanings of the furthest left, as the President does the ultra-conservative right.

Unfortunately, Goodwin doesn’t appear to take into account the fact that the majority of the American people approve of Reagan’s policy.


Further, Goodwin should consider that the “Better Red Than Dead” generation of the 1960s appears to have embraced a more conservative outlook in concert with Reagan’s ideas, or the election of 1984 would have given Reagan the same ticket to ignominy we gave to Jimmy Carter in 1980.

The idea that the President will destroy the hope of people is not considered. Reagan has worked and called for elimination of those weapons on many occasions, a much more to be hoped for state of affairs than that which Goodwin bemoans. That’s correct, Reagan does not want to limit arms, he wants to E-limit-nate them, to coin a word. Personally, I agree with him, and I don’t doubt, that the vast majority of Americans agree as well. However, until the Soviets agree as well, the hope that Goodwin says is going to be destroyed, can only be kept alive as long as we are capable of retaliating in kind, and that the Soviets believe that we will.


San Diego
