
3 Side Glances at Miss Liberty


Frank del Olmo’s June 26 article is a perfect example of the confusion that seems to reign at The Times in connection with U.S. immigration policy. The article expressed concern that the ritual aspects of the Statue of Liberty celebration will overshadow a true review of U.S. immigration policy.

Del Olmo seems to forget that the statue is symbolic of liberty, not an open border immigration policy.

He goes on to accuse Americans of idealizing the past to the point of hypocrisy. He cites as an example of this that “border agents from San Diego to Brownsville, Tex., will be starting their evening shift” even as fireworks illumine the Statue of Liberty.


What are the border patrol agents supposed to be doing? Last year 1.8 million illegal immigrants were apprehended, and the number is rising. The United States is in the midst of an immigration crisis. Del Olmo implies that those who are concerned about illegal immigration and uncontrolled population growth are guilty of racism.

Finally, I note that, despite his call for “sense on immigration,” he fails to present one constructive proposal on immigration policy.

The only sensible and workable solution is for Congress to pass the Simpson-Rodino bill, which provides for fines on employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.


Los Angeles
