
‘Official Child Neglect’


The Los Angeles Foster Care Network of the Children’s Research Institute wishes to commend The Times for its editorial. As one of 10 networks in California focusing on policy issues in foster care, we share the concerns expressed.

As was pointed out, the reduction by the governor of 4.1% of the money voted by both houses of the Legislature for cost-of-living increases to foster parents seems shortsighted in the extreme. From our studies of the problem across the state we are painfully aware that foster parents were already suffering substantial losses in terms of today’s buying power, and the--at best--10 cents per day increase (half the cost of a telephone call) cannot provide an incentive to either continuing to accept children or agreeing to become a foster parent.

This contributes to a greater deficit in placements available to children who, through no fault of their own, require this kind of humane and relatively inexpensive living situation. For example, Los Angeles County needs at least 3,000 more homes than presently exist.


It would appear to us that in an effort to save dollars the governor has forgotten those children who are hurt and lonely.



Los Angeles Network
