
‘World Scofflaw’


This is in response to your editorial (Aug. 3), “World Scofflaw,” on U.S. action at the United Nations concerning the World Court’s decision about U.S. actions in Nicaragua. One nation’s unilateral commitment to international law is not a strengthening of those laws--it is a commitment to folly and a weakening of freedom.

You insist that the United States abide by laws our adversaries openly ridicule, break and render empty on a daily basis. Considering the complex and competitive nature of global politics, it is disappointing to read your often naive and irresponsible views on Central America.

It is truly absurd and ludicrous for you to declare that the United States is an international scofflaw by giving financial aid to Nicaraguan peasants desperately fighting for liberty, while the Soviet Union aids the oppressive Marxist-Leninist regime that presently sits in Managua.


How sad that a great paper like The Times refuses to consider the legitimacy of the United Nicaraguan Opposition. Fortunately, neither they--nor the Nicaraguan people--need your blessings to carry on their democratic struggle.


Los Angeles
