
Jewish and Islamic Groups Here Join in Deploring Attack

From a Times Staff Writer

Leaders of Southern California’s Jewish and Islamic communities reacted with outrage Sunday to the bloody terrorist attack on an Istanbul synagogue.

After meeting Sunday with Nihad Erman, the Turkish consul general in Los Angeles, representatives of the Los Angeles Jewish community said they have asked that Turkey provide guards in all of its synagogues.

“This attack has shown the need for round-the-clock security in the synagogues,” said David M. Baron, president of the Zionist Rabbinic Council of California.


Nazir Khaja, chairman of the Islamic Information Service, which is associated with the Islamic Center of Southern California, said: “The Muslim community is deeply shocked at the barbaric act of violence and bloodshed of innocent people. . . . These barbaric acts . . . have nothing to do with Islam, which stands for peace and justice for all people. Islam emphasizes the sanctity and safety of all places of worship, where God’s name is exalted.”
