
Uproar Over Pricing by Some Domestic Car Dealers Is Unfair

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I’m curious about this sudden paranoidal explosion over supposed “overcharging” on the part of domestic car dealers during the subsidized 2.9% interest rates initiated by the factories.

For half a decade, buyers have been meekly shelling out $500 to $3,000 over the window sticker to dealers of Japanese cars. Now, suddenly, when a temporary shortage of desirable domestic models develops--models that carry an effective cost/interest reduction of about $2,000--an uproar is generated because some dealers are accused of charging close to, or “not sufficiently” below, that window sticker.

I am convinced that even this purported “overcharging” is not general throughout the domestic retailing automobile industry--certainly not at my dealership. But there is a moral principle involved here.


Why is it that we hear not a peep out of anyone over the Japanese vehicle rip-offs but that we domestic automobile people are pounced upon with vitriolic ferocity and subjected to commercial crucifixion at the slightest hint of improved revenue realized by a few individuals?


