
Victims of Terrorism

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Dr. Singh, or just “Singh” as he used to be called, was the head of the Speech Science Department at Howard University in 1968-69. (La Jolla resident Sadanand Singh and his two children were wounded and his wife, Kala, was killed during the hijack attempt of a Pan American World Airways jetliner in Pakistan on Sept. 5.) His direction and suggestions with my thesis research as a graduate student from nearby Catholic University were indispensable to me.

I had heard he was brilliant with a marvelous logical “research brain.” A friend told me that he would sometimes help graduate students with research even if they were not from his university. I would still be working on that blasted thing if it weren’t for him. The man is brilliant.

The point is that it defies my sense of charity to forgive those who would harm this remarkable man and his family in any way. I worry for the future of others, as such terrorists must know no other life than misery for themselves and others. I don’t think the Middle East miseries can be ignored by us any longer.



San Diego
