
Al Martinez


The message Al Martinez brought in his lovely essay “High on a Hill” (Sept. 1) meant a lot to me.

His realization of the preciousness of life through his newly discovered physical disability is a message many of us discover, hopefully sooner rather than later. That he has found that very special knoll from which he can see and feel the pulsating Pacific gives repeated testament for man’s need to discover something bigger than himself.

And, having taught classes in Death and Living for the past eight years, may I recommend one additional item for him to contemplate: that is, donate some of his time in the service of others. The life force which is received from the magnificence of the oceans, mountains, deserts and plains is enhanced 1,000 times as we bend a little to help our fellow man. Through such efforts will we discover the fullest confirmation of the beauty and essence of life.



Sherman Oaks

Following the Trends
