
‘No Sermon, Madonna’


Bravo to Ellen Goodman for her article (Editorial Pages, Sept. 23), “No Sermon, Madonna, If You Cut the Propaganda.” Unfortunately, Madonna’s hit song, “Papa Don’t Preach,” has become a hit song not only on America’s pop charts but also among those who oppose a woman’s legal right to choose abortion.

These anti-choice proponents are using her song to encourage pregnant teen-agers to carry their pregnancies to full term, and to promote their political agenda, which would eliminate the right to legal and safe abortions in the United States.

Madonna should be aware that teen-age pregnancies have reached crisis proportions in America. According to the Congressional Caucus of Women’s Issues, the adolescent pregnancy rate in the United States is the highest of all industrialized nations. Twelve percent of today’s teen-age girls are already mothers. Half of thes girls will not graduate from high school. Half of them are single parents. Three-quarters of all single mothers under 25 are living in poverty.


We, as a nation, must respond to this alarming crisis with sensitivity, compassion and responsible solutions. Given Madonna’s position as a public role model and the message delivered in her song, which tends to romanticize teen-age pregnancy, and given the anti-choice movement’s use of the song to discourage teen-agers from having abortions, Madonna should either make a public statement noting that pregnant teens have a range of choices, including abortion, or produce another record supporting a woman’s right to choose abortion.

Music is a powerful medium of communication and Madonna should take this opportunity to take action on this issue, which will affect women’s lives for years to come.


Los Angeles

Allred is president of the Women’s Equal Rights Legal Defense and Education Fund.
