
Briton Sees Soviet Trick Behind Summit

Associated Press

British Defense Secretary George Younger said today that he thinks Moscow had a trick game plan at Reykjavik and that President Reagan was “absolutely right” not to give up his “Star Wars” program.

Younger said Britain was at first “very baffled” about what lay behind the sudden Soviet invitation to the superpower meeting in Iceland.

After two weeks’ reflection, however, Britain decided that Moscow’s real objective was to free Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev from his commitment to a summit meeting in the United States at which he could not be assured of a favorable outcome, Younger added.


The Oct. 11-12 summit failed to set a date or agenda for a Reagan-Gorbachev meeting in America, even though the two leaders had agreed that there would be such a meeting when they held their get-acquainted summit a year ago in Geneva.

Younger had lunch with American correspondents and disclosed his analysis of the Reykjavik summit, speaking from notes. “Their real objective here surely was to get Gorbachev off the hook,” he said of the Soviets.
