
‘Free Exercise of Ignorance’


George Will’s point regarding the Tennessee textbook ruling is well taken. As devout Christians, my wife and I recognized long ago that this country is post-Christian in its thought and anti-Christian in regard to public education.

Children in public schools may not sing “Silent Night” or any other traditional Christmas song dealing with the birth of Jesus Christ as a part of the annual Christmas program. They must study history texts that make no mention of God (at the first Thanksgiving of the Pilgrims for example). The social texts make no mention of marriage in any context; as a viable social institution or life style. And they are taught that the theory of evolution is, though without support, a fact.

Litigation is not an answer. We enrolled our four daughters in a private school. All four are pulling straight A’s and excelling in math, science, computer science, language, art, etc., and yet not enduring the asininity of anti-Christian bias as found in the public sector. For us, private education is not only the best option but a superior one.


