
President Reagan’s Veto of the Clean Water Act


I am amused by your editorial (Nov. 10), “It’s Outrageous,” anent President Reagan’s veto of the Clean Water Act. Not that I disagree with you, just that it is naive to believe that the string-pullers in this Administration will change their mind about anything.

Take note of the ease with which they dissembled the American people about their interest in peace and arms reduction. They painted the picture of hope for results with Iceland, then as soon as the election was over, back to the talk about the “Evil Empire.”

This Administration stands for big business. Arms reduction will cut their profits. So the hell with the SALT Treaty, more aid to the contras in Nicaragua, sell arms to Iran, (and reap the extra benefit of the release of a hostage just before election).


If Congress cuts off funding for arms to the contras, they will find a way around it, either by using the CIA, or other secret organizations, or they will seek funding for food, then use the money for arms.

I used to be a skeptic, now I am just a cynic.


