
Culver City : Council Revises Housing Plan


The housing section of the Culver City general plan has been revised by the City Council to include the housing needs of the disabled and homeless. The plan also calls for increasing the number of housing units in the city.

The revision states that the disabled and homeless have “special housing needs,” but the plan does not require the city or private developers to actually build the housing, said Jay Cunningham, city planner. The city or its Redevelopment Agency, however, may provide developers with financial incentives to build such housing, Cunningham said.

The city should build between 550 to 730 new housing units and rehabilitate another 125 units by 1991, the revised plan states.


Including housing for the physically handicapped, mentally ill and other disabled as a policy goal was suggested by the city Human Services Department when Culver City last considered revising its housing plan in 1984, according to a city staff report. The homeless were included in compliance with state law.

Other planning priorities and assignments in the Planning Department delayed the revisions for more than two years, Cunningham said.
