
Oral Roberts and God’s ‘Threat’


Oral Roberts, that anomaly: a “Man of God” without pity. So greedy, so contemptuous of his followers, he does not hesitate to corrupt the image of their God.

How many of these truly sincere folk will bankrupt themselves to “save” his totally worthless life? Does this man never sleep, scheming, scheming to defraud the “faithful”? Recalling what Jesus did to the money changers in the temple, he would have made mincemeat out of this creep.

If there were some guarantee that “God won’t let him live past March” if the money were sent, my check would be the first in the mail!

I hope he decides to make his plea through the U.S. mails, for the postal authorities do not look kindly upon outright fraud. Still, one supposes Roberts is well enough versed in chicanery to manage to produce a letter signed by the Almighty and properly notarized by a few angels.



