
‘Mom-to-Be Wins in Court’


I am writing in response to the article (Jan. 22), “Mom-to-Be Wins in Court.”

I am incredulous at the finding of “not guilty” by Municipal Court Judge Randell L. Wilkinson in the case of the lone occupant driving in the car-pool lane.

Exactly what we don’t need at this time in California is another group of people making their own rationalizations about violations of our laws (traffic and civil), only to be coddled at the hands of jurists, the likes of which have recently been forced to seek new employment.

With the latest precedent, perhaps our California Highway Patrol officers should carry “freeway pregnancy tests” to determine whether the defendant in similar situations is indeed two persons in one body (I can just picture the 405 blocked with gawkers slowing to observe the CHP administering the “freeway pregnancy test” to a multi-personed humanoid).


I am quite sure that Sue Ann Yasger claims her fetus when she purchases tickets at the local matinee, when she enters Disneyland, and when she flies the friendly skies.


Laguna Niguel
