
A First--Tass Says Dissident Can Emigrate

Associated Press

Dissident Anatoly Koryagin has been given permission to emigrate to Switzerland, the official Tass press agency said today in what was believed to be an unprecedented report.

The brief announcement was carried on both the Russian- and English-language services of Tass. The two-sentence dispatch was apparently the first time the official Soviet media reported on the departure of an individual dissident.

Koryagin, a 48-year-old psychiatrist who has been nominated for the 1987 Nobel Peace Prize, is expected to leave with his wife, Galina; his mother, and his three sons. One son was recently released from a labor camp.


Koryagin was released from a labor camp in February after being pardoned by the Supreme Soviet in a review of dissident cases.

He had been sentenced in 1981 to seven years in prison and five years in exile on charges of anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda after accusing authorities of confining sane dissidents to mental hospitals.

The Frankfurt-based International Assn. for Human Rights said Koryagin and his family plan to fly from Moscow to Zurich on Friday.
