
American-AirCal Merger to Lead to Some Transfers

Times Staff Writer

Only about 300 of AirCal’s 3,700 employees are expected to be transferred from their present jobs and job locations to American Airlines facilities in other areas of the country when the merger of the two airlines’ operations is completed on July 1, corporate spokesmen said Wednesday.

The majority of those 300 employees--mainly managers and supervisors from AirCal’s headquarters in Newport Beach--will be transferred to American’s headquarters in Fort Worth, Tex., said American Airlines spokesman Steve McGregor.

Others will be relocated to American’s regional offices throughout the country. AirCal’s headquarters in Newport Beach will be closed by the end of summer, AirCal spokesman Bob Deuel said.


The bulk of AirCal’s work force, including 456 pilots, 506 flight attendants and 450 reservation agents, will remain where they are in comparable jobs offered by American, which has agreed to maintain seniority benefits.

“All reservations agents, pilots and flight attendants will be maintained, and their jobs will be consolidated with American,” McGregor said.

Although 200 employees--mostly clerical workers in AirCal’s headquarters--are expected to lose their jobs, no pink slips have been handed out yet. Instead, American has asked employees to fill out surveys on relocation preference, Deuel said.

“Nobody has been told they have to leave yet. But everyone has been asked whether they can relocate. We expect about 200 who will be unwilling to relocate to new positions,” Deuel said.

American Airlines received permission from the federal Transportation Department in March to buy AirCal for $225 million.
