
Coupon Clippers Offer Shopping Suggestions


As a longtime coupon user and consumer advocate, I am outraged with Maureen Franklin for her ignorant letter.

Franklin complains about waiting in line behind a woman with a lot of coupons. She goes on to state that the customer who doesn’t use coupons is “penalized for not using them, because all product prices have been raised to cover the amount of the coupons, the handling and the fraud.”

First of all, Franklin and others can wait in another line if they are so upset with people saving money by using coupons. Secondly, the stores are reimbursed for the face value of each coupon and, generally, an additional 8 cents for handling.


I often save anywhere from $10 to $25 per visit to the supermarket by taking time to clip and use coupons, and by being consumer-wise.

Franklin, in reality, seems very jealous of those of us who go out of our way to save money. A lot of non-wealthy and wealthy people alike use coupons because it makes good “cents”! People shouldn’t be condemned for saving money.


Los Angeles
