
U.S. Supplying Radio, TV Stations With AIDS Ads

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Associated Press

Federal health officials said Friday they are supplying a series of advertisements on AIDS to about 12,000 radio and television stations throughout the nation.

The announcements feature Health and Human Services Secretary Otis R. Bowen discussing ways to protect against AIDS and how to get more detailed information, including the surgeon general’s 36-page report on acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

“These radio and television announcements are one more element in our effort to reach the American people with the knowledge they need concerning AIDS,” Bowen said in a statement.


Tell of AIDS Hot Line

“They contain the basic facts and they tell how to get more detailed written information and how to have specific questions answered through our AIDS hot line.”

The package includes two 30-second television spots produced by the health agency and distributed by the National Assn. of Broadcasters to its more than 900 member stations.

In addition, the agency said it is mailing a package of 11 audio spots to about 11,000 radio stations, including announcements in Spanish provided to more than 600 Spanish-language stations. Some of the messages are intended specifically for black listeners.


“The announcements aimed at minority populations are especially important because black and Hispanic Americans are carrying a disproportionate share of the burden of AIDS,” Bowen said.

One of the television spots advertises free copies of the surgeon general’s report on AIDS. The other makes the point that AIDS is usually transmitted through sexual contact, the sharing of needles in drug use, and from infected mothers to their babies.

The radio spots include topics on the seriousness of the disease, contagiousness of the disease, how AIDS is spread, symptoms of AIDS, AIDS and minorities and progress against the disease.
