
Carter’s Home OKd by House as Historic Site

United Press International

The House voted today to establish the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site and Preservation District in Plains, Ga., home of the 39th President.

The bill, passed by voice vote, directs the Interior Department to preserve key sites and structures associated with President Carter during his life, provide for interpretation of his presidency and present the history of Plains as a small, rural Southern town.

Under terms of the bill, the department would acquire Carter’s current home, his childhood home just outside Plains, the Plains High School, which he attended, and the Plains railroad depot, which served as his presidential campaign headquarters.


But the buildings would be acquired only by donation and the bill would permit the Carters to continue to occupy their home after it is donated. The bill sets a limit of $3.5 million for acquisition of related property and land and development of the historic site.

Currently, the National Park Service maintains 15 sites associated with former presidents.

The Carter bill now goes to the Senate.
